Electrician for trade and refrigeration equipment is engaged in the installation, maintenance and repair of trade and refrigeration equipment of trade and public catering organizations.

Must Know:
- purpose, types, technical characteristics, device, principle of operation, basic electrical, kinematic and hydraulic circuits of commercial, technological and refrigeration equipment; - the processes of installation, dismantling, commissioning, commissioning, maintenance and repair of mechanical, thermal and refrigeration equipment;
- Ways to identify and troubleshoot equipment, start-up and control equipment.

Must be able to:
- read and apply the basic electrical, kinematic and hydraulic circuits during installation and maintenance of equipment;
- carry out maintenance, repair, adjustment of the mechanical, electrical, hydraulic parts of mechanical, thermal and refrigeration equipment, automation devices.

Working conditions: the workplace may be located in the area of ​​installation, dismantling, adjustment and repair of serviced equipment.

- work in service centers and workshops that repair household appliances, in companies selling household appliances;
- in trade and public catering organizations. Graduates can open their own business, organize their own workshop or work individually.

Type of profession according to working conditions: the profession refers to the type of “Man - Technique”, it is focused on work related to the operation of technical equipment, as well as the repair of equipment.

Necessary qualities to ensure success in the profession:
- good coordination and accuracy of hand movements;
- developed muscular-articular sensitivity (the ability to dose the amount of applied effort is necessary);
- developed linear and volumetric eye, color differentiation;
- developed auditory perception;
- accuracy;
- analytical thinking.

Medical restrictions: cardiovascular diseases, neuropsychiatric diseases, rheumatism, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin, blood diseases.

Form of study: full-time education is implemented in this profession.

Duration of study: on the basis of basic general education (9 grades) - 2 years 10 months.
eye 1524 text 30.01.2014 edited 17.01.2018

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