Technician for the operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment - a specialist who serves power and lighting installations, production sites, workshops. It performs work at departmental power plants, transformer substations with disconnecting them from the network, revises them transformers, switches, disconnectors and drives to them. Checks, disassembles and assembles control circuits for equipment and relay protection, replaces instrumentation and instrument transformers. It makes adjustment, adjustment and repair of technological equipment circuits, as well as automatic lines, apparatuses and control devices on programmed control units. The main activity of the technician in this specialty is associated with the design, installation, commissioning and operation, repair and testing of electrical and electromechanical equipment, the performance of after-sales service for household machines and appliances.

The main responsibilities of a technician for the operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment include:
- organization of maintenance and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment;
- service maintenance of household machines and appliances;
- Organization of the production unit.

Type of profession in the subject of labor: the profession can be attributed to the type of «Man - Technique», as a technician in the operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment. An additional type of profession: “Man is a Sign System”, since it is associated with work according to drawings, diagrams. This requires logical thinking, the ability to work with various sources of information, developed attention, spatial representation.

Type of profession according to working conditions: work on the territory of a construction (production) site, in industrial and domestic premises.

Profession class: creative (heuristic), by the nature of labor, the profession is associated with analysis, planning, organization and management, design, and adoption of non-standard decisions. The profession requires high erudition, original thinking, striving for development and continuous learning.

A technician should possess such qualities as: good coordination of movements, technical thinking, ability to concentrate for a long time, high level of stability and concentration of attention, developed spatial imagination, logical thinking, good reaction, caution, attentiveness, confidence, accuracy, responsibility, poise, sharp vision and color differentiation, developed vestibular apparatus.
Professionally important qualities of a technician include: responsibility in compliance with work technology and safety precautions, the ability to quickly make decisions when eliminating breakdowns and emergency situations, mathematical and technical abilities.

Medical contraindications: disorders of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the nervous system, organs of vision, respiratory organs, immune system, mental disorders.

Employment: at the end of the college, students can work in any organizations that use electrical and electromechanical equipment - in enterprises of industry, energy, trade, communications and transport.

Form of study: full-time education is implemented in this specialty.

Basic level (qualification: technician).
Basic general education (9 classes) - 3 years 10 months
Secondary general education (11 classes) - 2 years 10 months.
eye 1570 text 30.01.2014 edited 17.01.2018

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