The basic level of training.
Qualification - technician specialty 2101
duration of study:
on the basis of 9 classes of secondary school - 3 years 10 months.

The types of professional activity of a technician - a technician in the specialty 2101, in accordance with fundamental and special training, can carry out the following types of professional activity:
production and technology;
production and management;
experimental - experimental.

Having entered the specialty 2101 you will master the techniques of setting up and operating the main types of technological equipment in the oil and gas industry, will acquire skills in working with computer technology in solving graphical and design tasks, and service maintenance of automated control systems.
Today we are talking about the automation of managerial labor processes based on the use of the latest electronic data processing and transmission technologies.
The Astrakhan gas field uses the only system in Russia - an automated gas production system. The means of centralized control of management and regulation allow for the operational control and management of the operating mode of the main process equipment.

Having completed the training in the specialty 2101, you will enter the world of technology, which is able to ensure the optimal functioning of the systems of automated control of technological processes and production through the introduction of control programs for automated equipment.

The oil and gas industry is the basis of the fuel and energy complex.
Specialty 2101 - for those who want to link their fate with this promising direction of development of the Astrakhan region.

College graduates in specialty 2101 must:

- the main objects, phenomena and processes of the oil and gas industry;
- mathematical description of linear automated control systems;
- quality indicators of automatic control systems;
- principle of operation of typical elements of automatic control systems;

be able to:
- calculate the main indicators of automatic control systems;
- select standard elements of automatic control systems for reference conditions for reference materials;
- to master the methods of setting up and operating the main types of technological equipment, diagnosing failures of typical elements of electronic circuits and other elements of automated control systems;
- use the methods of development, debugging, monitoring and implementation of control programs for automated equipment.
eye 9243 text 19.09.2004

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