On the basis of the college there is a branch of the Taganrog Institute of Technology of the Southern Federal University
The benefits of studying at the Taganrog Institute of Technology at the Southern Federal University
1. The Southern Federal University (SFU) is a university of federal significance and is the largest university in Russia, ranking 4th in the ranking of higher education institutions. It was formed 4 years ago as a result of the merger of 4 universities in the Rostov region. Together united:
1) Taganrog University of Radio Engineering (TSURE);
2) Rostov State University;
3) Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Art;
4) Rostov State Pedagogical University.
Unification of universities took place according to the decision of the Russian government with the goal of creating a SUPERVUZ in the south of Russia, which should be one of the top five universities in Russia, and in a few years to join the list of the best universities in the world, not yielding to such universities as Harvard and Cambridge. The order to create a SUPERVUZ was signed by Dmitry Medvedev himself, who is now the president of Russia.
At the same time, to create a SUPERVOUZ a huge amount of money was allocated from the country's budget for the next three years - 10.5 billion rubles or a little less than half a billion dollars, which should help SFUs not to be inferior in quality and level of equipment to leading world universities such as Harvard and Cambridge.
Currently, more than 50,000 students study at the Southern Federal University, which is even more than at MSU (40,000 students in total)!
2. AKVT graduates study remotely in the structural subdivision of the Southern Federal University - Taganrog Institute of Technology, located in the city of Taganrog (abbreviated TTI SFU, former Taganrog University of Radio Engineering) at the Department of Computing Machinery. Training is conducted in the direction of "Informatics and Computer Engineering" on the profile of "CALCULATING MACHINES COMPLEX SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS".
The former TSURE University is known worldwide for its achievements in scientific research, developed in the field of radio engineering and computer technology, and most importantly, for its high level of training of specialists working both in Russia and in many highly developed countries of Europe, America and Asia.
3. On admission is not required to pass the exam.
4. Education of Astrakhan students takes place using the distance learning system and allows combining studies with work. Students study in the city of Astrakhan (without departure to the city of Taganrog) on the basis of the methodological center of the TIT SFU in Astrakhan, located on the first floor of the Astrakhan College of Computing.
Distance learning system is a complex of educational services - educational material, technology and teaching methods, consultations, teachers, testing of knowledge provided to students through a specialized information and educational environment based on telecommunication means of exchange of educational information at a distance. The distance learning system is able to fully satisfy today's demands of a particular student, taking into account his professional aspirations, individuality and employer requirements, in particular, theoretical knowledge, practical experience of their application, free handling of network communication technologies in the global information space.
The distance learning system allows you to study in a convenient place for yourself, without going to the university, according to an individual curriculum, having a set of training tools and a coordinated opportunity to exchange information with the teacher by phone, facsimile, email and regular mail, in the Internet.
Training is carried out through the Internet, using electronic textbooks and teaching aids.
5. When training, a flexible approach is used - no one drives the student and does not rush: completed tasks and examinations are taken by the student as far as possible, that is, the principle: you take it when you can. Such a democratic approach makes it possible to optimally combine training with work, service in the army, and favorably distinguishes training at TIT SFU from training at other universities.
6. All exams are taken via the Internet (they can be taken from home) without personal contact with teachers, which also distinguishes studying at TIT SFU from studying at other educational institutions in Astrakhan, where all exams have to be handed over to teachers personally in oral form.
7. Since 2011, the training of all newly enrolled students is carried out on a two-tier system:
first level - Undergraduate (first stage of higher education);
second level - Master (second degree of higher education).
8. The term of study for a bachelor's degree in TIT SFU for AKVT graduates is 3.5 years.
The curricula of students are drawn up taking into account the previously received education in college, which allows fully or partially reclassify those subjects that have already been studied. This, in turn, makes it possible to significantly reduce the period of study: 3.5 years instead of 5 years for distance learning for a bachelor's degree.
After studying for a bachelor’s degree, a state diploma is issued on obtaining a higher education with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering with a profile of “COMPUTER MACHINES, COMPLEXES, SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS”.
If you wish, you can continue further education in the magistracy (the term of study is 2 years), after graduating from the magistracy, a diploma of higher education is awarded with a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering with a profile “COMPUTERS, SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS” .
9. The diploma of TIT SFU (former Taganrog University of Radio Engineering) is quite highly rated by employers, and this university is known in many cities of Russia, including Moscow.
In addition, diplomas obtained by students of TIT SFE in the field of "Computer science and computer technology" are now recognized abroad, particularly in the United States and other countries. TIT SFU is one of the few universities in Russia that has received the equivalence of its educational programs with the international standard ABET (Accreditation Committee on Engineering and Technology, USA). The programs comply with international educational standards and were recognized in 2005 by the accreditation commission of the United States in the field of engineering and technology substantially equivalent to similar programs in the United States.
Contact: Astrakhan College of Computer Engineering, office 121.
1. The Southern Federal University (SFU) is a university of federal significance and is the largest university in Russia, ranking 4th in the ranking of higher education institutions. It was formed 4 years ago as a result of the merger of 4 universities in the Rostov region. Together united:
1) Taganrog University of Radio Engineering (TSURE);
2) Rostov State University;
3) Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Art;
4) Rostov State Pedagogical University.
Unification of universities took place according to the decision of the Russian government with the goal of creating a SUPERVUZ in the south of Russia, which should be one of the top five universities in Russia, and in a few years to join the list of the best universities in the world, not yielding to such universities as Harvard and Cambridge. The order to create a SUPERVUZ was signed by Dmitry Medvedev himself, who is now the president of Russia.
At the same time, to create a SUPERVOUZ a huge amount of money was allocated from the country's budget for the next three years - 10.5 billion rubles or a little less than half a billion dollars, which should help SFUs not to be inferior in quality and level of equipment to leading world universities such as Harvard and Cambridge.
Currently, more than 50,000 students study at the Southern Federal University, which is even more than at MSU (40,000 students in total)!
2. AKVT graduates study remotely in the structural subdivision of the Southern Federal University - Taganrog Institute of Technology, located in the city of Taganrog (abbreviated TTI SFU, former Taganrog University of Radio Engineering) at the Department of Computing Machinery. Training is conducted in the direction of "Informatics and Computer Engineering" on the profile of "CALCULATING MACHINES COMPLEX SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS".
The former TSURE University is known worldwide for its achievements in scientific research, developed in the field of radio engineering and computer technology, and most importantly, for its high level of training of specialists working both in Russia and in many highly developed countries of Europe, America and Asia.
3. On admission is not required to pass the exam.
4. Education of Astrakhan students takes place using the distance learning system and allows combining studies with work. Students study in the city of Astrakhan (without departure to the city of Taganrog) on the basis of the methodological center of the TIT SFU in Astrakhan, located on the first floor of the Astrakhan College of Computing.
Distance learning system is a complex of educational services - educational material, technology and teaching methods, consultations, teachers, testing of knowledge provided to students through a specialized information and educational environment based on telecommunication means of exchange of educational information at a distance. The distance learning system is able to fully satisfy today's demands of a particular student, taking into account his professional aspirations, individuality and employer requirements, in particular, theoretical knowledge, practical experience of their application, free handling of network communication technologies in the global information space.
The distance learning system allows you to study in a convenient place for yourself, without going to the university, according to an individual curriculum, having a set of training tools and a coordinated opportunity to exchange information with the teacher by phone, facsimile, email and regular mail, in the Internet.
Training is carried out through the Internet, using electronic textbooks and teaching aids.
5. When training, a flexible approach is used - no one drives the student and does not rush: completed tasks and examinations are taken by the student as far as possible, that is, the principle: you take it when you can. Such a democratic approach makes it possible to optimally combine training with work, service in the army, and favorably distinguishes training at TIT SFU from training at other universities.
6. All exams are taken via the Internet (they can be taken from home) without personal contact with teachers, which also distinguishes studying at TIT SFU from studying at other educational institutions in Astrakhan, where all exams have to be handed over to teachers personally in oral form.
7. Since 2011, the training of all newly enrolled students is carried out on a two-tier system:
first level - Undergraduate (first stage of higher education);
second level - Master (second degree of higher education).
8. The term of study for a bachelor's degree in TIT SFU for AKVT graduates is 3.5 years.
The curricula of students are drawn up taking into account the previously received education in college, which allows fully or partially reclassify those subjects that have already been studied. This, in turn, makes it possible to significantly reduce the period of study: 3.5 years instead of 5 years for distance learning for a bachelor's degree.
After studying for a bachelor’s degree, a state diploma is issued on obtaining a higher education with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering with a profile of “COMPUTER MACHINES, COMPLEXES, SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS”.
If you wish, you can continue further education in the magistracy (the term of study is 2 years), after graduating from the magistracy, a diploma of higher education is awarded with a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering with a profile “COMPUTERS, SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS” .
9. The diploma of TIT SFU (former Taganrog University of Radio Engineering) is quite highly rated by employers, and this university is known in many cities of Russia, including Moscow.
In addition, diplomas obtained by students of TIT SFE in the field of "Computer science and computer technology" are now recognized abroad, particularly in the United States and other countries. TIT SFU is one of the few universities in Russia that has received the equivalence of its educational programs with the international standard ABET (Accreditation Committee on Engineering and Technology, USA). The programs comply with international educational standards and were recognized in 2005 by the accreditation commission of the United States in the field of engineering and technology substantially equivalent to similar programs in the United States.
Contact: Astrakhan College of Computer Engineering, office 121.
8489 07.06.2005 04.10.2011
Comments of our visitors:
Работодатели предпочитают принимать на работу ИТ-работников, уже имеющих опыт работы, нежели выпускников ИТ-ВУЗов, говорится в исследовании компании E-skills, проведенном среди 1 000 компаниий-работодателей.
Больше 60% работодателей хотели бы видеть в своих рядах опытных ИТ-работников и лишь 19% предпочитают нанимать студентов старших курсов и выпускников. 36% организаций планируют нанимать работников, уже имеющих опыт работы от 1,5 до 3 лет, почти половина работодателей будут принимать к себе только тех сотрудников, опыт работы которых составляет от 4 лет и выше. И почти 95% опрошенных заявили, что будут принимать на работу сотрудников, работавших на аналогичных должностях от 5 лет и более.
Несмотря на то, что в подавляющем большинстве случаев работодатели благосклонны к опытным ИТ-работникам, в исследовании говорится, что очень часто квалификация выпускников ни чуть не ниже, а порой и выше, чем у работника с опытом.
Около 14% организаций заявили, что квалификация принятых на работу сотрудников, имеющих даже большой опыт, была довольно низкой и соответствовала требованиям к вакансии лишь формально, и компаниям будет необходимо либо уволить нанятого сотрудника, либо вложить деньги в его обучение.
Однако в целом 88% компаний остались довольны работниками своих ИТ-отделов. Только половина компаний предпочитает обучать своих сотрудников, оставшиеся 50% предпочитают принять на работу нового человека взамен несоответствующего.
Также в исследовании говорится, что около 20% компаний постоянно ищут ИТ-сотрудников. Также стало известно, что около 10% компаний будут иметь те или иные трудности с квалификацией ИТ-персонала в будущем году.
оригинал: http://www.securitylab.ru/54168.html